International Wushu Workshop

About IWW

The International Wushu Workshop (IWW) is a sporting event gathering Wushu/Kung-Fu athletes from all over the globe. The event's purpose is to help athletes improve their level by entering a multicultural environment, learning and developing new skills. We believe the best way to achieve that goal is to design an immersive experience with top coaches originating from China. The experience is designed to be two weeks long, with training sessions almost every day. Nevertheless, each athlete can customize her/his experience by enrolling in as many sessions as wanted during those three weeks. Each class is prepared by the coaches and follows a plan that ensures every athlete gets the attention and feedback she/he needs. If you are a Wushu lover and are committed to improvement, then this is the right place for you! Join us!

  • Flexible schedule
  • Meet athletes from different countries
  • Get Inspired by amazing coaches
  • Have fun in the amazing city of Porto
  • Location Porto, Portugal
  • Date 20th Jul - 4th Aug
  • Coaches 3 Chinese Coaches
  • Attendance 50+ Athletes

Why You Should Join?

A few reasons why should you join this amazing event.

Great Coaches

Take the opportunity to learn with experienced chinese coaches, former professional athletes.


New People

Meet people from all over the Europe and China. Exchange experiences and help each other.


International Event

An event gathering athletes from different nationalities with a lot to teach and learn.


Get Inspired

Get inspired to improve yourself with our coaches and other wushu athletes.


Achieve your goals

Make the most of the tips given by experienced coaches and take your wushu to the next level.
Is there better outcome from the IWW?



Have fun in the amazing city of Porto with amazing people. Enjoy our stunning beaches, historical city center walks and portuguese cuisine.




Hours of training




Training sessions

Our Coaches

Meet our amazing coaches. Head coach Cai Si Wu,
Yang Chen and Xie Zhenghao

Cai Si Wu is a martial arts professor in Shanghai’s schools and has a vast experience training European athletes. His expertise is focused on sword and spear, and he is well-known for the creation of wushu routines.
He has trained remarkable Chinese athletes and he's involved in the spreading of the wushu culture in other countries.

Cai Si Wu

Jianshu, Qiangshu and Changquan
China Team

Yang Chen is a sports professor and national athlete from China. Besides studying martial arts at the Physical Education Institute of Shanghai, he is also a wushu judge. He is known for his achievements in wushu competitions in categories such as broadsword, gunshu, double hooks, Xingyiquan, and others.
Yang Chen is a remarkable professional who takes a scientifically-oriented approach to Wushu and is very kind to his students.

Yang Chen

Changquan, Daoshu, Gunshu
China Team

Xie Zhenghao is a well-known athlete among the wushu community. He was part of the Chinese national team and is a top athlete in Nanquan, Nandao, and Nangun. At present, he is a martial arts teacher in Shanghai.
In addition to being an elite athlete, Xie Zhenghao has had experience teaching martial arts in western countries.

Xie Zhenghao

Nanquan, Nandao and Nangun
China Team


These sponsors help us to make this event possible.


Available soon

1-3 Sessions


Per session
4-7 Sessions


Per session
9-19 Sessions


Per session
Workshop Pass


Per session

Join Us

Available soon

  • R. Estrela e Vigorosa Sport 604, Porto
  • +351 913 936 333